Welcome to the class! Here's the course materials and resources to help you succeed in this course.

This site houses the content of the course: readings and things to watch, assignment descriptions, and technical tutorials. There are a couple reasons for this: it’s easier and faster for me to update to correct or edit information, and students have shared with me that it’s easier to access and reference what’s needed when it’s not behind a login.

All assignments and discussion posts are turned into D2L or your personal shared folder (more on this in Module 1). All grades will be housed in D2L. Because of FERPA, student personal information (including grades) is protected, which is why Normandale (and many other colleges and universities) have a learning management system like Brightspace D2L that’s secure and password protected.

Your Professor

Course Syllabus (goals, activities, assessment)

Course Principles and Policies

Campus and Course Resources

D2L Brightspace Login for Normandale Community College

Overview of Units and Themes

Unit 1 (modules 1-3): historical thinking, critical digital literacies, search and sources.

Unit 2 (modules 4-5): religions

Unit 3 (modules 6-7): empires

Unit 4 (modules 8-9): fresh water and material culture

Reflection #1 (module 10)

Unit 5 (modules 11-12): art and culture

Unit 6 (modules 13-14): interpretive projects

Unit 7 (modules 15-16): learn from interpretive projects, wrap-up class

Reflection #2 (finals week)

Course Content


This course website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Linked materials are licensed individually and should be consulted before reuse.

Cover image credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/tGTVxeOr_Rs
